Down by the Moon river gorge

“I saw them Dancing Down at the River Gorge.” Part 2 Video of the 4 part Vlogcast series for the archives of the ancient Blood Moon Vault that happened down in Susquehanna River. Part 1

A girl and her boyfriend were in a boat on the river around midnight. She mysteriously drowned going over the boat supposedly into the water. He left her and the boat behind swimming to shore. Afterwards he committed suicide on the river bank by shooting himself in the head and rolling down the bank back into the river. People living near the river say they sometimes see their ghosts. Transparent dancers in the moonlight dancing and moving floating in the air downstream through the river gorge. Sometimes dancing with other strange ghosts what looks to be some kind of Cult ritual dance. Nellie Noll the River Witch of Marietta as been seen in the area. We believe that maybe the Reptilian Vampire Dracs may be involved. I’ve been summoned to go to the river by Blood Moon Music Minstrel Guild to learn of what is going on there. I’m bringing the Trancer Siren Singer Veillhea with me to propel a Siren Trance if needed if we encounter the Reptilian Vampire Dracs. We will also be wearing newly designed cloaking devices by the Blood Moon Guild to try and avoid an encounter with the Dracs – Lenny Lionstar

Ghost dancing down by the Susquehanna river gorge

Supernatural Gears Traveling Supernatural Troubadours Sending magical musical sound waves of cosmic signals through the Milky Way throughout the Universe and beyond as summoned by the ancient infinite Blood Moon Music Minstrel Guild and the Methuselah Star planet God. The Music of the Spheres summoned with a Cosmic Symphony Conductor of Rock n’ Roll Super Heroes exposing Demonic Elements that move in secrecy between the raindrops in our Human and Alien societies.

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