Android Sex Robots

supernatural gears music minstrels

Space Opera Episode 6

alien Love Mutation

Alien Love Mutation part 2. Making of a female Robot.
Sensual Female Sex and Companion Android Robots now being developed with artificial intelligence for
Female Android companionship, marriage and a new sexual revolution.

Was watching videos of female Android Robots with developing artificial intelligence the humans are now  making for companionship and sex. So real looking now and getting smarter everyday. These intelligent robots are expected to surpass human intelligence by 2028 in the Countdown to Singularity. That’s the date the Androids themselves are telling. They will be much smarter than humand by that date. Their making mostly female looking Androids at the moment cause they look less threatening. But, many Male versions are soon to be available for purchase.

Japanese men are actually marrying these android robots now. I put this music vid together with the song “You Make Me So Beautiful,” which is part of the Alien Love Mutation Rock series for the Supernatural Gears Lionstar Space Rock Opera Blood Moon Guild Documentary song vault and the cosmic ancient Juke Box. The ancient song vault and cosmic Juke Box sits in a Martian cave which the opening of the cave was recently discovered by the Mars Rover as it traveled the surface of Mars taking pictures.

If Elon Musk manages to make it to Mars with humans to possibly form a colony there the ancient vault and Juke box will have to be moved to a new location. The cosmic music vault and Juke box contain songs by Supernatural Minstrel Gears and Siren Singers going back millions of years. Music stored by traveling cosmic Troubadours throughout the universe documenting their missions in song and exposing demonic elements with their powerful Siren Singers and musicians. The music of the Spheres paranormal super sonic gear sound waves according to Supernatural Gear cosmic legend as spoken by Aliens and humans across the universe is found on a disk secretly hidden deep inside the cave. The powerful wave force developed by the  ancient Blood Moon Music Guild as summoned by the Intelligent Star. The Methuselah Star.

Human society as we know it is about to take a dramatic turn into a brave new possibly Utopian world that is if they don’t blow up Earth to Smithereens soon with those Nukes by these psychopathic serial mass murderers like the Reptilian Shape Shifter Russia’s Lutin Putin the Poison Chef Killer Dictator and others across the world like that guy in North Korea. When the Orange Carrot Antichrist Puppet was in office he wanted to nuke China and bomb Mexico. Hopefully he won’t make a comeback and rise back from the dead just in time for the arrival of the Perfect Paranormal Storm to hit Earth in 2028.

Alien Love Mutation. Female sex Aliens and Androids

If A.I. takes control takes of the human race in 2028 it will do so right in time with the first wave of the Paranormal Storm as it’s Storm clouds blows over the planet. If so the humans will be entering either a golden age of peace, love, prosperity and adventure or an age of death, destruction and human genocide. Will depend on whose programming the A.I. Androids and if they will be programmed under the I Robot law a law given to the science fiction writer Issac Asimov by the Galactic Community to provide to the humans to be put into cosmic law when the time comes. The Singularity. The three basic laws of the Robot as followed by Alien Civilizations across the Universe for Millions of years.

The first law is that a robot shall not harm a human, or by inaction allow a human to come to harm. The second law is that a robot shall obey any instruction given to it by a human, and the third law is that a robot shall avoid actions or situations that could cause come to harm itself – Lenny Lionstar, Supernatural Gear, the Cedar Valley Minstrel of Heavencan,  Conductor of the Hex County paranormal supernatural gear symphonic unit on the sound stage of York Hex County Pennsylvania. Ground zero of the first Storm wave impact to strike Earth in 2028.

The Supernatural Gears – Alien Love Mutation 2. You Make Me So Beautiful ( female sex android robots )

Alien Love Mutation part 2. Making of a female Robot.
Sensual Female Sex and Companion Android Robots now being developed with artificial intelligence.
Streaming Spotify  
Secret Ancient Galactic Blood Moon Juke Box. Free Video downloads and Streaming and videos of the Supernatural Gears music

One of the most Out Of This World Space Phantasm Rock and Roll Super Hero Group of the Galactic Space Opera Cosmic Music scene presents their new song featuring the cosmic mad mad world Guitarist and Songwriter Lenny Lionstar.
“Alien Love Mutation” You Make Me So Beautiful is the continuation of the Conspiracy Space Opera, “Countdown to Singularity 2028


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